Thursday, May 22, 2014

What I Did This Summer

Given that we only have two seasons, it's not surprising how Filipinos look forward to the summer months with excitement. You see all those colorful swimwears in window displays, stunning semi naked bodies in cover photos of glossy mags, gyms getting populated with beautiful people, dresses in summer hues that would not escape our notice, etc. Everything and everyone seems to be summer drawn.

Now my question is, are you one of them? Are you likewise as excited and looking forward to the sexy season? Or are you with me sulking because we do not have a perfectly sculpted body to show off? LOL. 

Probably the best summer armour I could give - confidence! Don't resent! Rather, be clothed with confidence. Believe that confidence will take you anywhere you want to go. LOL. Remember, no matter what, summer should be fun and interesting. 

So here goes.... my own display of confidence at its highest level. Sabi nga nila, walang basagan ng trip!!! LOL.


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